Once more it was – my much appreciated collegue – Torsten Landsiedel, who came up with one, no two tweets about the blogging challenge #project26:
Some time earlier I already failed at the – ok, much more challenging – project52 in terms of regular blogging. This one seemed to be easier: just a bi-weekly interval? And this time already being somewhat prepared, with content in stock? So why not taking another try with blogging challenge #project26!?
When reading the „terms and conditions“ I started doubting:
Hmm, WordPress as topic, surroundings like CSS, Javascript, etc. Bonuspoints for Gutenberg related stuff …? Not what I had in mind and on stock. The name of my blog „Nairobi Notes“ already gives the idea: It’s about my new hometown. Things that I encounter and which sometimes do not fit to my previous experiences, worth to be noted down and explained. But as WordPress still is part of my professional life in Nairobi, I just decided to expand the choises of topics covered.
So it is WordPress as well
I find enough things here and there in my new WordPress world, which are different (not necessarily worse, not necessarily better, just different) from the usual expericence in „good old Germany“. And this leads to the second peculiarity of this blog: shall I publish in German or in English? Or both?
#Projekt26 and #project26 side-by-side
Having two different audiences in mind, here are my thoughts about it:
- the german spoken part will mainly be for the ones I „left behind“. I’ll try to give you an insight into my daily life and my work environment here in Nairobi.
- the english spoken part addresses the local Kenyan Community as well. Besides WordPress I will allow myself some thoughts on business-related stuff. I’m a Master of Business Administration and I feel somewhat obliged to share some of my experiences of being self-employed for 20 years now.
At this point of the project I will just avoid any hassle of multilingual plugins. Therefore: don’t be suprised to find posts (ideally) alternating in german or english. And consequently this will be the only post which is published in german as well. But: I’m willing to learn from your comments about this! Or as Torsten challenged:
So: not only publishing, but commenting on other peoples posts to gain back some of the internet that some multinationals took from us! An approach I totally promote as well!
So: what are the pros and cons of mixing up german- and english-spoken content (or for you guys in Kenya: having swahili and english content side-by-side) in one timeline? And if the drawbacks prevail (e.g. for SEO): what would be the right way in your opinion to organize the content? And why do you recommend this particular way?
Let me have your comments!
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